Challinor & Mayer


Location and period of operation:

Challinor & Mayer





Earthenware manufacturer at Fenton Potteries, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, England

  • The business of Challinor & Mayer is recorded in the 1887 Porter directory. It may have been in existence a few years either side of this date. 

  • Edward & Charles Challinor were in operation from 1862 to 1891 and the partnership of Challinor and Mayer was at the same factory.

    This type of arrangement was not unusual. There were 100's of pottery companies at this time and many only lasted a few years and so to protect themselves many had multiple companies with different partners. So if one became bankrupt the others could continue. 
    It was also not unusual for different companies to share the same pottery factory.

  • Some patterns registered and produced by E & C Challinor were also produced by Challinor & Mayer. 


concurrently: E & C Challinor (1862-91)



covered tureen in the Gordon Pattern

transferware decorated in the aesthetic style

Challinor & Mayer

this pattern was also produced by E & C Challinor and C. Challinor & Co 




water jug in the Etruria pattern 

Challinor & Mayer



Marks used on ware for identification:



Challinor & Mayer

sometimes a trade mark of a man's head with crown was used

the same trade mark was used by C. Challinor & Co 



Challinor & Mayer

Baltimore is the pattern name 



E & C Challinor 

Challinor & Mayer 

LORNE is the pattern name 

The registration diamond shows that the pattern was registered on the 23rd November 1878. 

The record shows that the registration was by E & C Challinor. This  pattern was produced by both E & C Challinor and the partnership of Challinor & Mayer. 



to the right is Fenton Pottery, Victoria Square, Fenton
to the right is Fenton Pottery, Victoria Square, Fenton

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Questions, comments, contributions?  email: Steve Birks