World Studios Ltd |
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Location and period of operation:
World Studios Limited |
Hanley |
1993 |
Collectible World Studios Limited,
Regent Road,
Collectible World Studios was originally called Lilliput Lane Land of Legend and began as a part of the Lilliput Lane Limited Group of Companies. In those days "Lilliput Lane Land of Legend" manufactured a range of fantasy figurines. In August 1990 Bill Dodd, Chief Executive left the group taking with him Lilliput Lane Land of Legend and the Stoke on Trent factory. The company name was changed to Land of Legend Limited. In 1993 the company changed its name to Collectible World Studios Limited.
July 2000:
Over the weekend of the 22nd and 23rd July 2000, Collectible World Studios saw its Marketing Headquarters completely destroyed by fire. More than 100 fire fighters and 15 pumps battled to contain the flames in the company's Woodhouse Street Offices in Stoke on Trent, home to its marketing, online and design operation. The smoke leapt 1,500ft into the air and visibility was so poor that the emergency services contacted Manchester Airport to ask them to divert flights away from Stoke on Trent. Among the items destroyed in the fire were 10 years of history archive, photography and original artwork from some of its prestigious artists.Bill Dodd commented, "Obviously this is upsetting for everyone concerned but it is 'business as usual'.
The manufacturing, distribution and customer services operations, which are based at Regent Road in Stoke on Trent, were unaffected and the 28 staff who were based at Woodhouse Street premises have now relocated to offices in Hanley Business Park.
25 January 2002 - Sentinel newspaper
" A CERAMICS firm is ending manufacturing in Stoke-on-Trent following a decision to shift its remaining production to the Far East.
Collectible World Studios will make 24 workers redundant at the end of the month.
Chairman Bill Dodd said the reorganisation of the 107-strong labour force would mean the end of manufacturing in the UK. He said: "Unfortunately, the bronze production will close and certain other activities will be reduced, resulting in the loss of 24 jobs.
"At present, almost all of products sold are imported from the Far East and, as a result of the reorganisation the bulk manufacture of all bronze products, will be transferred to the Far East with immediate effect."
Jim Cessford, president of North Staffordshire TUC, said minimum labour standards should be introduced across the world to stop employers exploiting cheap labour abroad. And Geoff Bagnall, general secretary of the Ceramics and Allied Trades Union (CATU), said the company had made a strategic decision to end production in North Staffordshire.
He said: "The manufacturing is being closed down and the reason is that it is cheaper to have it made abroad. It is disappointing." The company has traditionally manufactured large amounts of its giftware overseas since its formation in 1990, but has until now retained a manufacturing base in Stoke-on-Trent. Production in the city fell from around 25 per cent in 1999 to five per cent in 2002. Collectible World Studios has said its product innovation and development operations will be retained in Hanley together with the distribution, sales and marketing and other administrative functions.
Mr Dodd said the "difficult decision" to end production in the city was taken after careful and detailed consideration.
The above information may
not be available
for all potters - if you have information to
help complete the records then I would be
happy to include it.
email: Steve Birks
created: 26/01/2002