Morgan, Wood & Co


Location and period of operation:

Morgan, Wood & Co


July 1857



Earthenware manufacturer at the Overhouse Works and then the Hill Works, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, England.
  • The partners were Thomas Morgan, Samuel Morgan, Jacob Baggaley, Thomas Wood and Charles Hobson at the Overhouse Works, Wedgwood Place, Burslem. 

  • Around 1860 they moved to the Hill Works in Liverpool Road, Burslem. 

  • In July 1865 Charles Hobson left the business which was continued by Samuel Morgan, Jacob Baggaley and  Thomas Wood (the surviving partners). 

  • In 1870 the business became Wood & Baggaley. 



Previously: Morgan, Williams & Co

Subsequently: Wood & Baggaley



The London Gazette
28th July 1865

notice of the dissolution of the partnership between Charles Hobson, Samuel Morgan, 
Jacob Baggaley and Thomas Francis Wood (the surviving partners) 

the business continued as Morgan, Wood & Company 


meat platter in the Cumae pattern

Cumae was the first ancient Greek colony of Magna Graecia on the mainland of Italy - Wikipedia


M. W. & Co 



M. W. & Co 




platter in the Burmah pattern

M. W. & Co 



Initials and marks used on ware for identification:


M. W. & Co



The bee was a symbol of industry and various potters at the
Hill Works & Hill Pottery used a bee or bee hive mark




Morgan, Wood & Co were at the Over House Pottery 1857 to 1860

- click for more on the Overhouse Works


Morgan, Wood & Co 
moved to the Hill Works,
Burslem around 1860

- click for more on the Hill Works -



Questions, comments, contributions?: Steve Birks