Stoke-on-Trent Local History


Maps of the area around Christchurch, Fenton

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Christchurch, Fenton


Maps of the church and surrounding area


contents: index page for Christchurch, Fenton
 next: gravestones
previous: Christchurch, 1839-1890


1878 OS map which shows the original church which was built to the design of Henry Ward and consecrated in 1839
1878 OS map which shows the original church which was built to the design of Henry Ward and consecrated in 1839

  • the road that the church was built on was named Church Street and apart from a few houses on this road most of the area is still fields. Station Road had not yet been built - the location of it is shown in blue.

  • To the right is Glebe Colliery - which was one of the sources of wealth which helped build the church and the cause of the subsidence which caused the first church to have to be pulled down. 


1922 OS map which shows the replacement (current)  church which was built in 1890 to the design of Charles Lynam
1922 OS map which shows the replacement (current)  church which was built in 1890 to the design of Charles Lynam

  • All the streets around the church have now been laid out, including Albert Square and the key buildings around it - the Town Hall (1888), Library (1906), Police Station (1914-15) and in the centre the War Memorial. 

  • Station Road is now built.

  • Glebe Colliery has expanded and includes more than one colliery and also a brick works. 


2011 Google map of the area around the church
2011 Google map of the area around the church

  • The Glebe colliery spoil tip has been reclaimed and grassed over. 

  • THe location of Fenton House has been replaced with a health centre. 

  • Some of the key roads have been renamed:-

High Street East is now City Road
Church Street is now Christchurch Street
Station Road is now Glebedale Road.  


contents: index page for Christchurch, Fenton
 next: gravestones
previous: Christchurch, 1839-1890


1st Church
Fenton New Church
1839 - 1890

2nd Church
 1890 -
