Ceramic Sites on the Internet:

Selected Sites for Ceramics

American Ceramic Society
European Ceramic Society
Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft
World Wide Web Virtual Library:Conventional Ceramics
Ceramics Consulting Group
Hong Leong Ceramic Industry, Malaysia
Ceramic tile links

Michael Lucero Sculpture Exhibition
The Clay Studio - The Clay Studio is a non-profit educational arts organisation dedicated to the ceramic arts and work of new clay artists.
Everson Museum of Art - American Ceramics Study Collection
WWW Ceramics - What's New - the WWW Ceramics library "What's New?" page for ceramics sites
WWW Technical Ceramics - the WWW library page for ceramics - LOTS of cool links to all types of ceramics pages world-wide - links to both technical and art related sites
NCECA - the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts home page - conference, exhibition and scholarship info, and a picture of the board
ArtSource - one of the best art-related directories
Virtual Ceramics Exhibit - the world's first juried ceramics exhibition on the Internet
Archie Bray Foundation -the Archie Bray Foundation offering artist residencies in Helena, Montana
The Museum of Ceramic Art at Alfred - the ceramics museum at Alfred University in upstate New York.
SCHOLES LIBRARY at NYS College of Ceramics - search the catalogue of one of the world's best ceramics libraries
ClayNet -a ceramics web site down under
PEI Crafts Database - crafts info and suppliers database from the Prince Edward Island - Crafts Council
Craft Web - links and info for a variety of craft media
InterGlaze - online glaze calculations and logs of glazes (also linked on the main page)


Search Engines - search the web!

Alta Vista search engine - one of the best search engines for the WWW - FULL TEXT searching of the WWW - lots more links here to ceramics around the world
Yahoo Ceramics Link - also one of the best search engines for the WWW - now with a section on ceramics - lots more links here to ceramics around the world

 More Ceramics-related pages

Watts Blake Bearne & Co Plc -Welcome to WBB's new Web site! The first ceramic BALL CLAY producer on the Web

Ceramics: Art and Perception magazine
The Potter's Page
The POTS PAGE, ceramics and electronic designs
Ceramica On Line
KUTANI ceramics
Clay Arts House, Japan
Hollister Collection of Southwestern Native American Pottery
Ceramics Curriculum


Museums and More

Museums Directory page
American Crafts Museum
Banff Centre for the Arts
ClaySculpt Gulagong
Exploratorium Home Page
The Getty Art History Information Program
Krannert Art Museum
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
National Museum of the American Indian
The Natural History Museum of LA Co.
The David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art
Smithsonian Table of Contents
Twentieth Century American Sculpture at the White House ( 9-Dec-1994)
University Art Museum / Pacific Film Archive
Pueblo Cultural Center


College and University home pages

Department of Ceramic and Glass Design - Helsinki, Finland
Berea College Home Page
The OSU Department of Art Graduate Program
Tozan Kilns at NAU


Ceramist's Personal home pages

Bill Buckner
Richard Burkett
Bill Geisinger
Jonathan Kaplan
Joe Molinaro


Technical Information & Corporate home pages

American Ceramic Society/Basic Science
Minnesota Clay Co.
Feldspar Corporation
HyperGlaze - easy-to-use ceramics software for artists
IMC - makers of Insight glaze software
Rohm and Haas Company - Ceramics Additives Overview
Keith Ceramic Materials LTD
Ceramic Consulting Group
The American Ceramic Society


Collecting and finding pottery from the following companies:

Increase your search by using the following links: 

 Try out the following pages on Stoke-on-Trent and the Potteries:

 No Java? - Can't use the smart tabs? - click here

Questions and comments to: Steve Birks steveb@netcentral.co.uk

Most recent revision Monday 9th June 1997