Burslem Cemetery, Nettlebank, Hanley Road, Burslem

Burslem Cemetery opened in 1879 and covers approximately 11.4
hectares (about 28 acres) when it was opened it was intended to be a
"a recreation
park, to be used for walking, riding and driving" as well as a
cemetery and at least a third of the land was taken up with the
lodges, chapel, walks & drives. Only about five and a half acres was
laid out for burials.

The northern
entrance gates to Burslem Cemetery
"The Borough
Cemetery is one of the most beautiful in the country. It was
consecrated in 1879, and cost £20,500. It is under the control of
the Corporation, which acts as the Burial Board. The Cemetery
occupies a splendid situation upon a hill known as Nettle Bank, and
covers an area of thirty-two acres. It contains many beautiful walks
and shrubberies, and has a fine avenue of trees leading up to the
mortuary chapel, which stands in the middle of the grounds."
1893 trade journal
Consecration of Burslem Cemetery
"The Mayor then stood upon the steps and declared
the cemetery open as a burial ground, and also as a recreation park,
to be used for walking, riding and driving.
The cemetery is in a very suitable position,
between the Leek New Road and Smallthorne. It rises slightly to the
Smallthorne portion, and is about 28 acres in extent. A large
portion has been tastefully laid out with plants and evergreens, by
Mr Matthews, of Milton.
The whole has cost about £17,000, the plans being
made by Mr Richards. The wall is a very handsome imitation of
Kentish rag work, and is formed of local stone. There are three
handsome gates, with palisades, from Messrs George Smith and Co of
Glasgow. The contractor for the roads was Mr J Walker, of Crewe. Two
handsome lodges in Gothic style have been erected by Mr J Bowden, of
Burslem, and give a very pleasing aspect to the entrances.
It is only necessary to add that the greater
portion of the cemetery forms a picturesque public park, and by the
arrangements of the Council there will be nothing unseemly or
thoughtless in its use as such. It is anticipated that the cemetery
will be much patronised as a promenade. Its central situation has
already caused a large attendance on Sundays, and this is expected
shortly to extend to other days of the week."
The Staffordshire Sentinel, 17 September 1879
"The cemetery provided for the borough of
Burslem was consecrated by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese on
Tuesday, in the presence of the Mayor (Alderman Hulme), most
of the members of the Corporation and borough officials, a
number of clergy, and a large body of townspeople.
The Local Government Board
constituted the late Local Board of Health a Burial Board
for the parish of Burslem in 1873, Mr F Tennant being the
prime mover in the effort to obtain a cemetery. They shortly
afterwards began to look out for a suitable site, and
ultimately fixed upon a piece of land about 28 acres in
extent fronting Nettlebank at the extreme boundary of the
parish on the Smallthorne side.
The land was purchased from the Rev waiter
Sneyd for £7,000 and about £10,000 has been spent in erecting
suitable boundary walls, a registrar's office and lodge on the
Smallthorne side, and a lodge at the North road entrance,
draining the ground, laying out walks, and planting shrubs. By
the advice of Mr Holland, of the Burial Acts Office, it was
decided to lay out 5½ acres for burial purposes, reserving the
rest and laying it out ornamentally as a kind of recreation
Much of the work was done by the late Local
Board, and it has been continued by the Corporation. Large
numbers have already used the ground for recreative purposes,
although much of the space remains to be planted."
The Staffordshire
Advertiser, 20 September 1879 |

Burslem Cemetery -
general view of the graves


maps of
the cemetery |