Bakers - the
family who 'built' Fenton:
The first Christchurch
Ralph Bourne, in his will (d.1835),
left the sum of £2,500 for the building of an Anglican church for
Fenton with a sum of £1,000 for its endowment. "The remaining cost
of the erection, which exceeded £3,000, was defrayed by Mrs Baker,
widow of the late Mr William Baker, and sister of Mr Bourne."

'Fenton New Church,' built in 1838-9,
showing the tower with a west entrance, and a south aisle of five
bays, built in the style of Gothic revival.
© William Salt Library
Staffordshire Past Tracks
Because of subsidence
the original church was demolished and replaced by a larger
structure (the present Christchurch) in 1890.

The current Christchurch - built
in 1890, to seat 1,900 people.
It was designed by
Charles Lynam

photo: c.2000 (Peter Bennett)

details of the entrance
photo: July 2000

“Church Terrace”, a
row of six houses built in brick ornamented with stone, was
constructed by William Baker II partly to accommodate the school
teachers and parish sexton.

Church Terrace - built in Church Street
(now Christchurch Street).