Stoke-on-Trent Parks
Thomas Wedgwood
maps of Etruria
The fountain in Etruria park
"Then then Mayor of Hanley, Councillor H. B. Shirley, and his brother,
Alderman Jesse Shirley, presented a drinking fountain cut in grey stone.
It was first intended that this fountain should be placed in the centre of
Howard Place, Shelton.
Made by Mr. Forbes, of Shelton, the funds for the purchase were to be
raised by public subscription, but these were not forthcoming.
In due course Mr. Shirley and his brother purchased it, intending to place
it in Hanley Park, but it was thought that the grey stone would not be
suitable, so to Etruria Park it finally went. The fountain is squarely
built, with a pagoda-like top."
"History of Etruria" E J D Warrillow

View of the fountain from
Etruria Road
photo: May 2008
Top left of the map shows
Wedgwood's Etruria pottery works, running alongside the works is the Trent and
Mersey Canal. At the corner of Etruria Park is St. Matthew's Church.

the drinking fountain donated
by the Shirley brothers
photo: 2008
The inscription on the
fountain reads:
fountain was presented by
the Mayor of Hanley H.B. Shirley Esq. JP
and Alderman Jessie Shirley JP
September 1904"
The Shirley brothers
were in partnership together in the Shirley bone and flint mills, located
at the junction of the Trent and Mersey canal and the Caldon canal in
Etruria. Jesse Shirley lived only a few hundred yards away from the park
at Etruscan
Villa, Etruria. As chairman of the parks committee he promoted the
scheme for
Hanley park.
"At each corner is a white Sicilian
marble pillar, resting on a base of St. Anne's marble, with a white
marble water basin. In the rear of the fountain is fixed a
thermometer and barometer.
On Mr. Shirley's suggestion,
Wedgwood panels - carried out by Mr. J. A. Austin, the firm's
modeller - were placed on opposite sides of the fountain. They
comprise white and blue jasper on a background of black basalt. The
first panel shows two of the seasons, Spring and Summer, depicted by
cupids carrying a bird in its nest. Over their heads are musical
instruments and flowers and wreaths typical of Summer, together with
Flaxman's famous " Dancing Hours."
A large medallion of Josiah Wedgwood is also included, and a
portrait of Wedgwood and Bentley.
The famous Portland Vase is
represented in the other panel, and the original moulds were used in
the making. The whole, together with a panel depicting Autumn and
Winter, makes a delightful work...."
"History of Etruria" E J D Warrillow |

Warrillow's photo of the
fountain c.1950