The bridle path, Ash Hall

Lost and forgotten roads of Stoke-on-Trent

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The bridle path, Ash Hall


Ash Cottage and the Bridle Path:

In 1851 Job Meigh rebuilt Ash Cottage, using local sandstone.

Ash Cottage is located by the entrance to the Bridle Path and was the home of the estate gardener responsible for the upkeep of the formal gardens around the Hall and the supply of fresh fruit and vegetables from the greenhouse and kitchen garden located by the rear entrance off the Bridle Path.

This was a strategic location in the mid nineteenth century because the Bridle Path was the route of coal carts from Hanley Hayes Colliery to the Hanley-Cheadle Turnpike Road. The exploitation of the coal seams under the estate - reflected in the names of the fields: “Coal Pit Field” and “Slack Pit Field” — helped to pay for the construction of the new estate buildings and the enlargement of the estate.


  Ash Cottage, located on the corner of Ash Bank and Bridle Path
Ash Cottage, located on the corner of
Ash Bank and Bridle Path

Detail on the cottage which was occupied by the estate gardener
Detail on the cottage which was
occupied by the estate gardener


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next: The Meigh family