Hartshill Cemetery (reflecting the values of Victorian Society)
The Staffordshire Advertiser, 27th December 1884
The first burial in the new cemetery at Hartshill took place on Monday afternoon. The body interred was that of Emma Evans, wife of a labourer living in Cartledge street, Shelton (New) Road, Hartshill, and a large number of people assembled to witness the obsequies.The service was said by the Rev. J. Westbury, vicar of Hartshill. the grave is situated on the Church side, in third-class ground, and in consequence of this being the first internment the fees were remitted by the Corporation and the Vicar.
There were present during the proceedings Alderman Leason (mayor
), Alderman Baddeley, Councillors Hargreaves and Faram (
), Mr Bowen (borough Surveyor), Mr J . Forsyth (contractor), and Mr Bradbury (builder). After the funeral ceremony, the Misses Geen (daughters of the Registrar) placed a beautiful wreath of flowers on the grave.
The appearance of the new cemetery is very attractive, and the work of laying out the grounds has almost been completed. The site, which is 21 acres in extent, was bought by the Corporation from Mr F. Bishop (
) for £3,450. The ground has been arranged so as to provide about 15,000 grave spaces, these being allotted to Churchmen, Nonconformists, and Roman Catholics. Each of these three divisions has been subdivided into first, second, third and fourth class grounds.
Mr Joseph Forsyth, of Fenton, had laid out the grounds under the direction of Messrs Mimer and Son, landscape gardeners of the Crystal Palace, Sydenham, and numerous shrubs have been planted by Messrs Matthew and Son of Milton. Mr Forsyth has also constructed the main sewers, under the supervision of the Borough Surveyor. The chapels (a description of which has already appeared) present a very picturesque appearance, and are from the designs of Messrs Lynam and Rickman, architects, of Stoke. The total cost of the cemetery has been about £12,000. The walks are in a beautiful order, and there is every reason for satisfaction at the manner in which the work has been carried out. A cluster of trees in one part of the grounds has been allowed to remain, and of course greatly enhances the beauties of the place. The cemetery, in addition to serving primarily the purpose for which it is intended, will prove a pleasant resort for the inhabitants of the district.
The Staffordshire Advertiser, 27 December 1884
(The Register of Burials at the cemetery records that Mrs Evans, of 6 Cartledge Street, Hartshill, was only 25 years old when she died.)
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