Waterways of Stoke-on-Trent - Newcastle Branch Canal



The canal left the town centre heading south east on the west side of London Road (A34).  Near here is the newly developed Lyme Valley Park - Lyme Brook runs to the west of the canal line.

The A34 "London Road" which runs parallel to the canal on the east
The A34 "London Road" which runs 
parallel to the canal on the east


The Lyme Brook which  which runs on the west side parallel to the canal
The Lyme Brook which  which runs on the
 west side parallel to the canal


Between the A34 and Lyme Brook is the Lyme Valley Park
Between the A34 and Lyme Brook is the Lyme Valley Park
this dip in the ground level shows where the canal once ran

A little further south there is the Jewish cemetery and a bowling green. The canal ran behind these into a cutting surrounded by a small wood.


previous: 1898 map of the Brook Street, Newcastle terminus and the Boat & Horses pub
next: The Jewish Cemetery