Stoke-on-Trent Parks
Broadfield and Fenton Park collieries
the development of
Fenton Low
The other side
of Fenton Park
The other end of Fenton Park comes out on the edge
of Berryhill fields turn left to Berryhill and right to Fenton Cemetery.

to the left old pathway
leading to Berry Hill
part of the crisscross of walkways leading across this old piece of
- taking the miners, potters and brick workers to their daily work

another ancient pathway -
used by miners and brickworkers on their way to work
In the distance left is Fenton Cemetery and the tower of the chapel
(now demolished)

to the right the path around
the park towards Fenton cemetery

brick in the pathway - FENTON
Charles Challinor
(1829-93), had interests in Glebe Colliery, Fenton Pottery, Baker and Co.,
Railway Stilt Works, Fenton Tileries and flint and stone mills.

the path between Fenton Park
(left) and Cemetery (right)
this is the view from Beville Street (was Cemetery
Road), the path is the continuation of Bassilow Road.