Eileen Hallam's photos of Stoke-on-Trent

The changing face of Normacot,  Longton

previous: Longton suburbs
next: Meir Waterworks


The Alhambra Cinema, Normacot - 1987
The Alhambra Cinema, Normacot - 1987
In 1977 the Alhambra cinema in Normacot closed, this was the last cinema in the southern part of the city.

on the Alhambra

United Methodist Church, Meir Road, Normacot.
United Methodist Church, Meir Road, Normacot.

Christ Church Methodist Church, demolished in 2005

Detail over the entrance - Christ Church, Normacot
Detail over the entrance - Christ Church, Normacot


photos: Eileen Hallam

previous: Longton suburbs
next: Meir Waterworks