Stoke-on-Trent - Advert of the week

contents: 2009 adverts

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 Photo of the Week
Potworks of the Week

W. H. Povey, Wholesale & Retail Tobacconists


Wall advert for CAPSTAN cigarettes
Wall advert for CAPSTAN cigarettes

Shop gable end on City Road, Fenton - photo taken from the premises of the Workshops for the Blind.
In the background (on City Road) is the School for the Deaf 


W. H. Povey, Wholesale & Retail Tobacconists
W. H. Povey, Wholesale & Retail Tobacconists

Medium Cigarettes 

Once upon a time, it seemed that all you needed to advertise your business was a prominently visible brick wall, a generous amount of paint, and a talented sign painter.  

Throughout the area, these painted wall advertisements provided a great variety of different products to those who observed them, from local brewers, retailers and potters to nationally advertised products.  
In time, however, the use of painted wall advertisements diminished, as cheaper and renewable methods of outdoor advertisements, such as billboards became more prevalent.



contents: 2009 adverts