Wood & Hulme


Location and period of operation:

Wood & Hulme





Earthenware manufacturer at the Garfield Pottery, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, England 

  • The Garfield pottery was built for Wood & Hulme - it had four ovens and three kilns and by 1893 employed 130 people. 

  • Around 1905 Wood retired from the business which was continued by Henry Hulme and his two sons.  



Subsequently: Henry Hulme & Sons





Messrs. Wood and Hulme, Earthenware Manufacturers,
Garfield Pottery, Burslem.

The Garfield Pottery was founded by Messrs. Wood and Hulme - experienced men in every branch of the trade - about 11 years ago. The ground on which the Pottery now stands having been originally a builder's yard. The extensive premises are well-situated, facing as they do the main road in Burslem, and include well arranged and admirably appointed offices, show rooms, warehouses, and manufactory; four ovens and three large kilns are kept constantly going, and the firm give regular employment to a staff of upwards of 130 hands. 

Messrs. Wood and Hulme manufacture every description of tea, breakfast, dinner and toilet ware, having many  registered designs of their own, remarkable alike for beauty and utility. The productions of the Garfield Pottery, the output from which is about forty crates per week, are admirably suited to both the home and foreign markets; the firm manufacture largley for both; the home trade, however, is the principle one. 

In spite of the large number of hands employed, the bulk of the work at the Garfield Pottery is done by new and improved machinery, the firm mixing all their own materials, and manipulating their own clays; the flints for enamelling and facing purposes being ground in the neighbouring mills.

Mr. Wood, aided by his brother, does the travelling part of the business, Mr. Hulme, who has the assistance of his two sons, managing the factory; and by means of this personal and energetic superintendence, combined with the undoubted good quality of their productions, the members of the firm have gained a large and steadily increasing connection.  

A descriptive account of The Potteries (illustrated)
1893 advertising and trade journal.




dinner set in the Balmoral pattern 

W & H

the registration number 5455 shows that the pattern was registered in 1884 



cup in the gaudy Welsh style 

W & H

Dresden is the pattern name

photos courtesy: Jeff Luyben 



Marks used on ware for identification:

Note: Wildblood & Heath of Longton also used the initials W & H. 

Wood & Hulme marks can be distinguished as they include 'B' or BURSLEM in their marks.




W & H

impressed or printed mark of Wood & Hulme 
was continued by Henry Hulme & Sons

'B' is for Burslem - the town
 where the business was located

W & H



1899 map showing the Garfield Pottery on Waterloo Road

courtesy: old-maps.co.uk 


- click for more information on the Garfield Pottery -


Questions, comments, contributions? email: Steve Birks