R H Plant & Co


Location and period of operation:

R H Plant & Co





China manufacturer at the Carlisle Works, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent, England

  • The owner was Richard Hammersley Plant who operated as R. H. Plant & Co.

  • In 1898 Richard was joined by his brother Simon Lucas Plant at the Tuscan Works, Longton and the business continued as R.H. & S.L. Plant


Subsequently: R H & S L Plant



R H Plant & Co
Carlise Works, Longton, Staff. Potteries

Manufacturers of China in Teas and Breakfast Ware
and Trinket Sets for the Home and Foreign Markets

The Pottery Gazette,  January 1885



plate by R.H. Plant & Co - celebrating Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee in 1887 

the pattern incorporates the emblems of Scotland, England and Ireland 

R H P & Co

Jubilee is the pattern name
the registration number 63584 shows that the pattern was registered on the 27th November 1886




spirally fluted shape, hand decorated trio - 2068 is most likely the pattern number 



Rd 108438

There is no manufacturers mark - but the registration number shows that the shape was registered to R. H. Plant & Co on the 19th September 1888    

photos courtesy: Paul Bonas



Marks used on ware for identification:

& Co



Questions, comments, contributions? email: Steve Birks