Public Monuments and Sculpture in Stoke-on-Trent & Newcastle-under-Lyme
Public Monuments and Sculpture in Stoke-on-Trent & Newcastle-under-Lyme

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Josiah Wedgwood Memorial Institute (sculpture)
at Burslem
Wedgwood Institute Index

Statue of Wedgwood over entrance

Wedgwood Memorial Institute, Queen Street , Burslem

three profile portrait medallions

The central entrance of the Institute has a colourfully tiled tympanum
and three profile portrait medallions, of Bentley, Flaxman, and Priestley,
surmounted by a statue of Josiah Wedgwood.


Thomas Bentley (1730-1780)
a business partner of Wedgwood from 1768 until his death.

John Flaxman (1755-1826)
the sculptor and Wedgwood modeller


Joseph Priestley (1733-1804)
the scientist and inventor who discovered oxygen

Wedgwood Institute Index



Statue of Wedgwood over entrance



|  Index of all Stoke-on-Trent art |

questions/comments/contributions? email: Steve Birks

27 January 2006