Stoke-on-Trent - Potworks of the week

contents: 2010 photos

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Photo of the Week

Empire Works, Hanley
Stoke Road, Shelton, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent 

- click for more information on the Empire Porcelain Company -


Winton Pottery, Hanley
Stoke Road, Shelton, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent 

  • The Winton Pottery, adjacent to the Empire Works, was started in 1885 by Leonard Lumsden Grimwade and his brothers Sydney Richard and Edward. 

  • The Winton Pottery takes it's name from Winton's Wood


- click for more information on Grimwade Bros -




Empire Porcelain Company,
semi-porcelain manufacturers 
and fancy goods manufacturers

Grimwades Ltd.
earthenware and toilet manufacturers
Winton Pottery


from..... 1907 Staffordshire Sentinel 
'Business Reference Guide to The Potteries, Newcastle & District'





1953 map showing Grimwade's Winton Pottery and the Empire Works
The Empire Works was two buildings on either side of Elgin Street - joined 
by a high level footbridge.




To the left is the Winton Pottery and to the right is the remaining building of the Empire Works
in the centre there is a petrol station which is situated on the site of the second
building of the Empire Works
Stoke Road runs along the bottom of the photo    


view from the rear of the works - Stoke Road runs at the top of the photo

Bing Maps 2014




1935 photo - view from the rear of the works
The Winton Works to the right, next to the railway lines
the Empire Works to the left 
the high level footbridge which connnected the two buildings either side of Elgin Street can clearly be seen



red rectangle - site of the Winton and Empire works
Purple oval - North Stafford Hotel
Blue area - Stoke Railway Station
Light blue oval - St. Peter's Church
Yellow rectangle - Minton Hollins' Tile Works
the Trent & Mersey Canal runs vertically from bottom centre

The railway station and environs, Stoke-on-Trent, 1935

Britain from Above




Empire Works in Stoke Road
this is the part of the works between Elgin and Haywood Streets

the impressive facade remains - now converted into shops
at the top left of the photo can be seen the bricked up area
which was once part of the high level footbridge between 
the two parts of the factory



Empire Works in Stoke Road
these works were in operation as the Empire Porcelain Company from 1896 to 1967


Detail on the building

photos: Feb 2010






typical marks used from 1896 onwards


printed mark  used in the 1940's and 1950's

this mark bears "12 41" 
stands for December 1941

"Shelton Ivory" used as a trade name

Large hand painted vases from the Empire Porcelain Co



map showing that this area is not yet developed
at the top left is the edge of Hanley Cemetery which was opened in 1860


1900 map showing the development of the area
at the top right is the edge of Hanley Park which was opened in 1897




1937 map of the area



contents: 2010 photos