Junior School is a primary school for boys and girls.
The age range of the pupils is 7-11
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Junior School is a primary school for boys and girls.
The age range of the pupils is 7-11
266 pupils in 2004
Head teacher: Mr R. Jackson (Oct 2001)
The school is on the corner of Park Road and Minster Street (used to be York Street)
see a 1898
map and 2005 aerial photo of the area where the school is
Park Road School: Originally
built 1894 by the Burslem School Board. The infants' dept. opened
1895-6 and mixed dept. in April 1896. In 1903 the juniors transferred to Hamil Road School. The infants transfered to Jackfield School in 1904 when the juniors returned. Reorganised in 1931 when the school became a junior mixed school for one year, then it was made a senior school only. |
photos: November 2005
more on Burslem
more on Park Road
questions/comments/contributions? email: Steve Birks