The Middleport Pottery of Burgess and Leigh (opened 1888)  




 Sponging the ware



Location 11 on the plan

Next: the cup shop
Previous:  ware air drying in the shop

Still on the first floor we have moved to the 'sponging' shop, the dried ware is rubbed with a damp sponge to remove any joint lines and blemishes. 

Because the ware has not yet been fired the clay can be softened with the water.


'sponging' a jug
'sponging' a jug


Teapots and cups - more than you can count!

teapots and jugs - air drying
teapots and jugs - air drying


'green' cups waiting for handles to be applied
'green' cups waiting for handles to be applied


Next: the cup shop
Previous:  ware air drying in the shop