The Middleport Pottery of Burgess and Leigh (opened 1888)  



 Fettling and selection of biscuit ware


Location 17 on the plan

Next: the hand painting shop
Previous: the firing kiln


The fired biscuit ware 'fettled' by brushing to remove small bits of adhering clay
The fired biscuit ware 'fettled' by brushing to remove small bits of adhering clay
This has to be done in a booth with forced air extraction to prevent inhalation of the dust by the workers.
Ths was a Factory Act requirement to prevent Silicosis


Fired Toby Jugs of Winston Churchill ready for painting
Fired Toby Jugs of Winston Churchill ready for painting

after fettling the biscuit ware is 'selected' - that is checked for defects,
the good ware is passed on for decorating and the reject is broken up.


Next: the hand painting shop
Previous: the firing kiln