Drinking during working hours
Enoch Wood was not
just concerned about the sale of alcohol on Sundays. He and the other pottery
manufacturers also took steps to control the sale of beer to their workmen
during working hours.
Enoch Wood heads
the list of manufacturers who issued the following notice in 1815. To
reinforce their message they had two publicans convicted in 1816.
The Staffordshire
Advertiser reported:
publicans in Burslem have this week been convicted before the magistrates of
that district for allowing several journeymen potters to remain tippling in
their houses during regular working hours, and, independent of the fine paid,
with costs, we learn that their conduct will be represented next licence day;
this evil practice cannot be too much deprecated, as we believe it is
seriously injurious, not only to the masters, but to the sober and industrious
class of their workmen, on account of the different branches of manufacture
being so dependant on each other. A spirited. enforcement of the laws, we
hope, will have the desired effect."

1815 notice
issued by leading Pottery Manufacturers