Hartshill Cemetery (reflecting the values of Victorian Society)



The entrance railings on Queens Road and Cemetery office

Have you read the introduction to the walk?


Locations 1 & 2 on the index map

The entrance railings on Queens Road
The entrance railings on Queens Road 


Cemetery office attached to the Registrars Lodge
Cemetery office attached to the Registrars Lodge

There is a lodge at each entrance to the cemetery from Queens Road - the southern lodge for the cemetery sexton, the northern lodge for the cemetery registrar. The registrar’s lodge also contained the cemetery office which was fitted with a large safe for the registers and deed books. When the cemetery committee advertised for a registrar in May 1884 there were 99 applicants for the position. 



next:  is the Registrars Lodge 
previous:  was the introduction to the 'walk' 

questions/comments/contributions? email: Steve Birks