C Meigh, Son & Pankhurst


Location and period of operation:

Charles Meigh, Son & Pankhurst



July 1850


Earthenware manufacturer at the Old Hall Works, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, England

  • a short lived partnership between Charles Meigh, his son - also named Charles Meigh and James William Pankhurst.

  • the partnership was dissolved in July 1850 (although some trade directories continue to list the partnership 
    as late as 1852 - probably as a result of poor updating).

  • the business continued as Charles Meigh & Son and J.W. Pankhurst continued on his own account. 


Previously: Charles Meigh

Subsequently: Charles Meigh & Son

Subsequently: J.W. Pankhurst & Co

London Gazette - 12 July 1850 

notice of the dissolution of the partnership between
Meigh and Pankhurst - the business continued by
Meigh & Son


saucer and cup inthe SUSA pattern  

C M S & P 

The Meigh family (& other potters) added faux  Chinese marks to their ware to give the impression of the orient to their ware even though it was produced in England.

this pattern was continued by Charles Meigh & Son




Marks used on ware for identification:

C M S & P




- click for more information on the Old Hall Works

Questions, comments, contributions? email: Steve Birks