Master Potters in Georgian  Burslem (1714-1837)




previous: the Ragged School
next: the alleyway from the bowling green to Market Place

Location 10 on the index map

Bowling Green in High Street


Sometimes the history of these places is almost forgotten,
this patch of ground was on the 1812 map recorded as 'Old Bowling Green'

Located in High Street (Now Greenhead Street) - High Street, so called because
it was higher than 'Lower Street' - which is now Queen Street.


NOTE: This area has been completely cleared and a housing development completed 



Old Bowling Green on a 1812 map of Burslem



This is the narrow passageway which ran (2000) from the 
Bowling Green through the potworks to Market Place
and the Town Hall.

now cleared and replaced by housing - previously
it must have been in constant use by pottery workers, children going to
the ragged school and people using their little leisure
time at the bowling green. 





previous: the Ragged School
next: the alleyway from the bowling green to Market Place


Questions, comments, contributions? email: Steve Birks