Master Potters in Georgian  Burslem (1714-1837)






previous: Wedgwood Place and Georgian Houses
next: Enoch Wood's Fountain Works


Location 5 on the index map

Wedgwood Street (now New Street)


The name Wedgwood dominates this area of the town. On the North-East side of the town was the property of the Wedgwood factory either of the Big House or the Over House. John & Thomas Wedgwood were the biggest and wealthiest property owners as well as pottery manufacturers in Burslem in the middle of the 18th C.


Wedgwood Street (now New Street), built by 
Wedgwood in the Over House Estate.



previous: Wedgwood Place and Georgian Houses
next: Enoch Wood's Fountain Works


Questions, comments, contributions? email: Steve Birks