St. Joseph
(R.C.), Waterloo Road and Grange Street (s). 37 by E. Bower Norris.
Bethel Methodist Chapel,
Waterloo Road (s). 1824.
Stuccoed. Five bays, three-bay pediment, arched windows.
Are the wings part of the design ?

photo: May 1988
Bethel Methodist Church
Brownhills High
School for girls. 1927-9 by S. B. Ashworth and W. H.
Reynolds, incorporating a house of 1782 altered in 1830.

photo: May 2006
© Steve Lewin
In Waterloo Road (s),
which was made in 1817, is The American, a public house with
one bow exactly like the two of the Leopard.

photo: Aug 1987
on The
Opposite the
Washington Works, of the 18305, a facade with slight breaks
forward and backward.* Further s in Waterloo Road detached houses for
the better classes, Late Classical and also gabled.
* Now demolished.

detached houses for the better
photos - 2001
Two more noteworthy
factories: Price's Teapot Works in Longport (w) has two pediments over
the end bays.

photo - Oct 1999
on Price's
Teapot Works
and at W. Moorcroft's
factory in Sandbach Road, Cobridge, is a preserved and
accessible kiln in full working order.

This factory was built in 1913
photo c. 1973 - 1975
© Staffordshire past track
And one more former private house: Portland House (w) in Newcastle
Street (College of Art), of three bays with Venetian and tripartite
lunette windows, so wide and heavy that the date 1832 is no surprise.

photo - Oct 2000
Brian Peach