Resource documents : 
Stoke-on-Trent, The North Staffordshire Potteries


These were the main source for the dates and locations for the list of North Staffordshire Potters:



1710-15 List drawn up by Josiah Wedgwood in 1776 and produced in: "A History of the Adams Family of North Staffordshire", 
1780's "A Topographical Survey of the County of Stafford,"  c.1786. W. Tunnicliff, Land-surveyor, Yarlett, Nr.Stone, Staffordshire.
1802 "Map of the Potteries of 1802", J. Allbut and Sons
1818 "The Commercial Directory", 1818. Pigot & Co.
1830 "Directory", 1830/1. Pigot & Co.
1850 "Royal National and Commercial Directory", 1850. Slater.
1875 "Keates's Directory", 1875/6. Keates
1900 "The Pottery Gazette", Messrs Scott, Greenwood & Son Ltd.
1954 "British Potters and Pottery Today", 1956. Cyril G. E. Bunt


Reference books for the history of English / North Staffordshire potteries:

Staffordshire Potters 1781-1900

"Staffordshire Potters 1781-1900" (A comprehensive list assembled from all known contemporary directories with selected marks), by Dick Henrywood, published by the Antique Collectors' Club, Woodbridge, 2002 

A Handbook of British Pottery Manufacturers 1900-2010

 Michael Perry, ISBN 978-0-9808512-1-2 

Encyclopedia Of British Pottery And Porcelain Marks

Geoffrey A. Godden ISBN 978-0257657820 


Books on History of Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire:

History of the Staffordshire Potteries

Simeon Shaw, Originally published in 1829

- see transcript of this book

The Borough of Stoke-Upon-Trent
John Ward, Original edition published by W. Lewis & Son, London. 1843

Reprinted Webberley Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent, 1984

ISBN O 9509410 O X

A sociological history of the city of Stoke-on-Trent
Ernest J D Warrillow, Origonal edition published by Etruscan Piblications, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent. 1960

Library edition: Ironmarket, 1977

ISBN-10: 0905680081
ISBN-13: 978-0905680088

The Victoria History of the County of Stafford. Vol II

Oxford University Press, London. 1967


Handbooks and directories: 

2 The Staffordshire Potteries' Directory for 1868    1868 W. Kent & Co.,
6 A descriptive account of The Potteries (illustrated)   1893 W. Kent & Co.,
3 The Staffordshire Sentinel 'Business Reference Guide to The Potteries, Newcastle and District' - 1907   1907 Staffordshire Sentinel Newspaper
1 The City of Stoke-on-Trent - Official Handbook 10th Edn 1947 J Burrow & Co. Ltd.,
Cheltenham & London
4 The Pottery Gazette & Glass Trade Review. Reference Book, Directory    1947 Scott Greenwood & Son Ltd.,
7 Prestige and Progress - A Survey of Industrial North Staffordshire   1955 North Staffordshire Chamber of Commerce
5 The City of Stoke-on-Trent - Official Handbook   1977/78 J Burrow & Co. Ltd.,
Cheltenham & London


Questions, comments, contributions? email: Steve Birks