
 Resources on the North Staffordshire Pottery Industry

[ Web Site Index ]

This index is focused on the history of pottery and potters 
of Stoke-on-Trent, North Staffordshire, England.

NOTE: all the information is given in good faith and believed to be correct - however the history and identification of the companies can be vary complex - if you are going to use it for the basis of valuations, purchases or sales then you must verify it from independent, qualified sources.

a list of the details of over 1900 Stoke-on-Trent pottery companies

photos and details of pottery factories.....

list 1

list 2

list 3

list 4




do you recognise this mark?

- a list of unknown marks


Identifying the markings

Identifying North Staffordshire pottery by the marks and symbols used on the bottom of the ware.
Identify by initials
Identify by the name of the manufacturer
Identify by Trade Names
general guide to dating - how to date English pottery.
about registration numbers - Registered numbers are a consecutive numbering system which started in 1884 of designs which were registered by companies.
marks indexed by categories 
unknown marks
fakes & forgeries
Pottery Trade Names

A B C - Wartime concentration group letters

Ten Plain Years: The British Pottery Industry 1942-1952

BCM - British Commercial Monomark
English Royal Coat of Arms - in the late 19th and early 20th century many potters (both in England and also foreign firms) also used the Arms (or some similar design) as part of their mark - to gain some sense of importance and value. 

index of Brickworks and Tileries of the North Staffordshire Potteries district

- Stoke-on-Trent is well supplied with beds of heavy clay suitable for making bricks. These included Etruria marl and Old Mill marl, together with that associated with the coal seams:- Black Band , and the Middle and Lower Coal measures.